7-11 Apr 2024 Strasbourg (France)


This conference will provide an international forum on the chemistry, (nano)technology and applications of carbon nanoforms, including carbon nanotubes, graphene-based materials, fullerenes and (graphene) carbon dots. The conference will showcase the latest developments at the multidisciplinary frontier of nanostructured materials and devices.


The conference will cover all areas related to carbon nanotubes and related graphitic material chemistry spanning their synthesis as well as their functionalization, using covalent and non-covalent approaches, for composites, gels, coatings, membranes, (bio)sensing, electro- and photocatalysis, energy conversion, electronic devices, biomaterials, biomedicine, computational studies and artificial intelligence.


The rich scientific program of this ChemOnTubes 2024 Conference consists of 11 invited lectures, with 40 contributed talks and 2 poster sessions. The conference will bring together about 100 international scientific participants.

Invited speakers

Tatiana Da Ros 

Eric Doris

Sang Ouk Kim 

Naoki Komatsu 

Yan Li 

Michael Mastalerz 

Milo Shaffer 

Michael Strano

Ya-Ping Sun

Juan José Vilatela 

Mingfang Zhang 


Conference Chairs

Alberto Bianco

Cécilia Ménard-Moyon

Local Organizing Committee

Alberto Bianco

Cécilia Ménard-Moyon

Isabelle Clauss

Hélène Dumortier

Riccardo Pinotti

Céline Corcelle

ChemOnTubes Strategic Committee

Alain Penicaud

Maurizio Prato

Milo Shaffer

Oren Regev

Ester Vazquez

Eric Anglaret

Aldo Jose Gorgatti Zarbin

Martin Kalbac

Ana Benito

Wolfgang Maser

International Advisory Committee

Cinzia Casiraghi

Dirk Guldi

Nicholas Kotov

Silvia Marchesan

Aurelio Mateo-Alonso

Diego Peña

Alain Penicaud

Sabine Szunerits

Mauricio Terrones

Ester Vazquez

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